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Change Management Canvas

The CM Canvas is a useful tool for building a big-picture overview of a proposed change, or as a starting point for developing strategies and plans with project sponsors. 

Answering the canvas questions in order can help to clarify the different elements of the change and how each one might impact or be impacted by others.

  1. Goals: What are the objectives and intended benefits of making the change? How much does each objective or benefit depend on people changing how they work?
  2. Outcomes: What will people have to do differently for the change to be successful?
  3. Impact: Who will be impacted by the change?
  4. Risk: What are the potential risks and/or costs to the organization of not changing, or of not sustaining the change?
  5. Readiness: How ready and willing are people to make the change? How might organizational culture and the history of past changes impact success?
  6. Resistance: How much resistance to the change is anticipated? What types of resistance are most likely?
  7. Progress: How much progress has already been completed toward project completion?
  8. Sponsorship: Who is the primary sponsor? What other leaders or stakeholders should be part of the sponsor coalition?
  9. Resources: What staffing, training, or other resources are required to support and sustain the change effort?

CM canvasDownload the CM Canvas PDF


Contact us

Jeff Shuckra, interim associate director

Last Updated: 1/6/23