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IT efforts help Herriman campus prepare for fall opening

The Juniper Building at Herriman campus

The planning and vision of Digital Learning Technologies staff and considerable legwork by their fellow UIT and Marriott Library colleagues helped the U's new satellite campus in Herriman get up and running in time for fall semester.

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How to defend against, identify, and report cyberextortion

Pixelated black-and-white image of a female sitting on a bed, cradling their arms around their folded legs, surrounded by bunched-up blankets and a smartphone in the foreground.

Email/text/voice-based extortion and cyberblackmail, aka “sextortion,” are becoming increasingly prevalent. In this primer, our information security experts offer advice and how to ward off, identify, and report cyberextortion attempts.

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DCIO staff square off in Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament

Ari Lacanienta (left) and Lihong Yu play Rock, Paper, Scissors.

The competition, hosted by the Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO) organization's Smells Like Team Spirit Committee, was part of an employee morale and teambuilding event that included lunch from Padelli’s Street Greek.

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Last Updated: 8/30/23