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Remembrances of Kevin Taylor

I didn't know Kevin as well as many of you, and I can probably count my one-on-one conversations with him on both hands. But from the very beginning, there was the comfort and familiarity of talking with an old friend. There was not so much as a morsel of pretense in this man -- always direct and to the point, but always with grace. A great loss for us all, but a joy to have known him. 

~ Thom Gourley, Utah Education Network

This is, indeed, sad news. During the several years I served on the ITC, I increasingly marveled at Kevin's calm conduct of discussions involving often controversial topics -- essentially 'herding cats' with unfailing grace, good humor, and modesty, truly impressive performances in so understated a manner that the skills underlying them seemed effortlessly natural to Kevin. And, from what I could see, even at some distance, he remembered and pursued individual IT concerns for many of us; as noted in the comments of Steve and Steve, he cared. It was a great loss to the U's IT community when health forced him to leave, and I'm sure many recognized that loss.

~ Larry Okun, Biology Computing Facilities

I’ve learned a tremendous number of important principles, ideas, and lessons thanks to Kevin's willingness to spend time talking with me, working with me, and modeling everything a good campus partner and colleague should be. Every day, every hour, every minute. Kevin lived the principles he believed in as a leader, and we all have seen and have deeply appreciated his integrity. I know that everyone he touched will keep him and his legacy in their hearts.

~ Cassandra Van Buren, UIT Strategic Communication

I viewed Kevin Taylor not only as a work colleague, but also as a friend and a patient mentor. In my career, I’ve met a lot of people who have moved from telecommunications companies into higher ed or non-profits, but most only stay a few years before returning back to the for-profit sector. Kevin intrinsically understood the higher ed environment. He not only found a long-term professional home, but also made lasting contributions to the broader campus community. In addition to his work among the Hispanic community in the Salt Lake Valley, I’ll remember his sense of humor (especially the stories of his adventures as a telecom expat in the Russian Far East), his many kindnesses, and his ethical compass for finding the right solution among competing demands. The way he continued to teach us – even while facing the physical challenges and sheer inevitability of ALS – simply staggered me at times. We need more people like Kevin in today’s world.

~ Steve Corbató, Interim CIO

Last Updated: 1/9/25