Account access and IT security settings
University of Utah students, faculty, and staff can update or reset your university password, retrieve your uNID, and adjust your IT security settings, in the university’s IT security portal. For more information, access this IT Knowledge Base article (login required).
Before you change your password
- Review the University of Utah’s password requirements and guidelines (login required).
- To avoid being locked out of your account, please log out of all university applications and services (e.g., Outlook, UConnect, Adobe products) on all computers and devices. Alternately, shut down all computers and devices except the one being used to change the password. This initial step will help prevent account lockout caused by multiple devices attempting to log in automatically using the old password.
- Virtual private network (VPN) users will need to remain on the VPN until the sync takes place. UIT recommends leaving the device connected to the VPN on for up to one hour after a password change to allow time to sync.
After you change your password
- To avoid account lockout, wait at least 15-30 minutes before attempting to log back in to U services and systems. The password change takes time to sync across university services and systems, up to one hour.
- Log in to U services one at a time on each computer/device using the new password. You may need to verify your identity with Duo 2FA.
- Accounts will lock after too many incorrect password attempts. Users should contact their respective help desk to have their accounts unlocked. You will have 24 hours to change your password before the temporary password expires.
Change your password in CIS
- Log in to Campus Information Services (CIS)
- Search for and select the "Password & IT Security Settings" tile
- Enter your current password
- Create a new password
- Select “Save and Update”
- Log in with your new password
Reset a lost or forgotten password
- Visit the IT security portal
- Select "Forgot your password?"
- Enter the required information
- Once the system validates your responses, you will receive a Duo 2FA prompt
- If necessary, complete the third layer of verification
- Note: If you choose One Time Passcode (OTP), please make sure there are no spaces before or after the code
- Create a new password
- Select “Save and Update”
- Log in with your new password
Recover a lost or forgotten uNID
- Visit the IT security portal
- Select “Forgot your uNID?”
- Enter the required information
- Your uNID should appear once the correct information is entered
IT security settings
Set and update your IT security hints and answers
The university has moved from a traditional Q&A format to a freeform hint-and-answer approach to enhance IT security and usability. The goal is to reduce the risk of easily guessable answers while providing a more personalized and secure experience.
- Log in to CIS
- Search for and select the "Password & IT Security Settings" tile
- Select the “IT security hints and answers” tab
- Modify your IT security hints and answers
- Select “Save”
Note: If you are unable to update your password or IT security settings using the steps above, please contact your respective help desk:
- Campus IT Help Desk: 801-581-4000
- Campus IT Help Desk: 801-581-4000
- U of U Health ITS Service Desk: 801-587-6000