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Robert McDermott, longtime CHPC employee, has passed away

Robert McDermott, a longtime CHPC employee and friend to many University of Utah staff, faculty, and students, passed away on January 20, 2015.

Robert was one of the earliest staff members of the Utah Supercomputing Institute (now the Center for High Performance Computing) and worked with many faculty and students in visualizing their computations. He was instrumental in helping undergraduate students prepare their posters for the Posters on the Hill program and present them to the Utah State Legislature. CHPC staff remember Robert as a kind and compassionate person who would drop everything to help in times of need. He is perhaps most famous for writing an algorithm to cast a periodic B-spline curve that was used to define and manufacture the Vegreville egg. Robert retired from CHPC in 2010.

To read his obituary, please visit this page.

Donations for art and math education can be made in Robert's memory to The McGillis School, 668 South 1300 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84102.

Last Updated: 2/7/25