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IT governance roundup

Teaching and Learning Portfolio

May 13 • The portfolio was briefed regarding a campus-wide Adobe software agreement. After examining the proposal and weighing the requests for Adobe licenses in the student computing fees, the group agreed to recommend the OITC support the agreement. The group then continued assessing student computing fee requests and making allocations. See the full summary here.

Infrastructure Portfolio

May 14 • The group was updated on the payment card industry compliance report and briefed on proposed security policy updates. There was also an update on the structure of the One Network task force, and the portfolio agreed to give the charge of a previously approved IP governance task force to the architecture subcommittee of the One Network task force. Mike Ekstrom updated the group regarding the identity and access management program. The July meeting was canceled. See the full summary here.

Operational Information Technology Committee

May 15 • Chief Business Officer John Nixon was added to the portfolio. Pat Hanna informed the group about a USS Portfolio resource inventory, which prompted several action items to determine how to ensure University resources are properly allocated. Wayne Samuelson presented a recommendation from the Teaching and Learning Portfolio that the OITC approve an enterprise-wide Adobe agreement to provide Adobe products to students, faculty, and staff. The group agreed to support the move, provided FrameMaker was also included in the deal. The portfolio was asked to follow up with student leadership to ensure there were no concerns. See the full summary here.

University Support Services Portfolio

May 21 • The group was informed of the discussion in OITC about the portfolio’s resource concerns. The group approved adding several members to the executive committee that puts together supporting material for the main meeting. Steve Corbató answered questions about his role as the interim CIO. The group voted to skip the June meeting, and a ranking was approved for four new projects. See the full summary here.

Research Portfolio

May 23 • Members were shown the CHPC staff’s suggestions for hardware purchases and asked whether there were any concerns. No one objected. Steve Corbató told the group that portfolio Chairman Thomas Cheatham had applied for the vacant CHPC director job. See the full summary here.

Last Updated: 2/6/25