Strategic Information Technology Committee
Purpose and authority
The Strategic Information Technology Committee (SITC) is entrusted with identifying, understanding, and discussing IT issues that affect significant portions of the University of Utah community or cross multiple areas of oversight. The SITC is expected to make recommendations to the President’s Executive Leadership Team based on a consensus opinion of the majority of the major campus academic and administrative units, and in the best interests of the University of Utah as a whole.
Mission, scope, and key goals
The SITC considers technology-related issues brought forth by faculty, students, staff, and researchers and seeks solutions that align with the University’s mission and strategic goals, as well as represent the most appropriate decision for the University at large.
SITC considers programs, policy and initiatives that address central architecture, new technologies, funding, strategic and enterprise programs, and projects affecting units campus-wide, such as:
- IT that UIT does not control
- Technical architecture
- Data architecture
- Campus-wide IT policy
- New, current and retired UIT services (strategic fit, funding)
- Ubiquitous, commodity services
- Regulatory change and compliance
- Enterprise projects (big, strategic, cross-functional)
- UIT strategic plans, scope
- Special central infrastructure and enterprise resource planning needs
- Security plans and issues
- Application integration into central systems
Out of scope issues include, but are not limited to:
- Strategic priorities of the functional groups such as Student, Finance, HR, and other campus-wide applications
- Individual administrative and academic needs that are not common services
- Scheduling and managing UIT resources and operational decisions
- Functional and technical specifications for specific projects (applications)
- Analyze, vet and obtain consensus on recommendations for the president’s executive committee
- Charter targeted ad hoc working groups to explore and pose solutions
- Manage, approve, recommend campus IT services and university architecture (apps, data, infrastructure, process)
- Obtain campus-wide input
- Approve campus IT strategic plan
- Analyze and make recommendations on total IT spend
- Take action on IT risks
- Develop unified plans among IT groups on campus
Chair: Kirsten Butcher, associate professor and associate dean for faculty and student
affairs, College of Education
Cathy Anderson | Associate vice president of Budget and Planning |
Rebwar Baesmat | IT director, College of Nursing |
Holly Christmas | Senior systems administrator, College of Fine Arts |
Suzanne M. Darais | Director, Faust Law Library |
Nate Dickson | Director, University Faculty Information and Support |
Eric Eide | Research assistant professor, School of Computing |
Bo Foreman | Associate professor, College of Health |
Todd Green | IT director, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute |
Ben Gregory | Director of Administration, College of Architecture + Planning |
Demian Hanks | IT director, College of Social & Behavioral Science |
Matt Harting | Director, Operations & Logistics, College of Social Work |
Steve Hess | Chief information officer |
Spencer Jenkins | Executive director, Utah Education and Telehealth Network |
Mark Keller | Senior systems administator, Eccles Health Sciences Library |
Bob Larsen | Senior IT director, VP for Research |
Jim Livingston | Chief technology officer, University of Utah and University of Utah Health |
Harish Maringanti | Associate dean for IT and Digital Library Services, Marriott Library |
Eric Martinez | Systems administrator, College of Humanities |
Erin Mason | University registrar |
Phoebe McNeally | Research professor, Department of Geography, College of Social & Behavioral Science |
Sarah Miller | IT associate director, Facilities |
Dragan Milicic | Professor, Department of Mathematics |
Paul Peterson
Director, Data and Software Solutions, David Eccles School of Business |
Vivek Reddy
Interim chief medical information officer |
Thomas Reichler
Associate professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences |
Donna Roach | Chief information officer, University of Utah Health |
Colton Rogers | Associate director for IT, School of Dentistry |
Jon Thomas | Director, Digital Learning Technologies |
Wes Tolman | IT product manager, College of Pharmacy |
Kevin Turner | Director, HR Solution Center |
Rob White | IT director, Undergraduate Studies |
Responsibilities, roles and duties
All representatives are expected to review governance documents and participate in the evaluation and recommendation phases of the process. Representatives are also asked to act as the first line of communication regarding IT governance to the rest of their academic or administrative unit. Members are expected to attend all SITC meetings and to cast votes when needed. Members also may be asked to serve on ad hoc committees or to find suitable stakeholders to serve on ad hoc committees.
Representatives serve on the SITC at the discretion of their dean or director. There is no specified minimum requirement or maximum limit.
Agenda and meetings
The SITC agenda is gathered and prepared by a UIT governance liaison and approved by the SITC chair. The committee meets once a quarter, but may meet more frequently or hold virtual votes if necessary. The meetings are considered open, though space may be limited based on location.
Further detail
Additional information related to ongoing governance committee operations can be found in the operating guidelines.
Changes to this charter must be approved either by the Strategic Information Technology Committee or the President’s Executive Leadership Team.
Questions or comments?
Contact Aimee Ellett.
SITC operating guidelines
Questions or comments concerning IT governance? Please email Aimee Ellett.
Approved documents
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 13, 2025, 1:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m., online. Governance committee members will receive meeting info via email.
If you're a current U community member (faculty, staff, student) and wish to participate in the online meeting, please email Aimee Ellett for access.
Agendas and summaries (requires authentication)