First aid info/emergency procedures

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs), like the one shown above, are located on every floor of 102 Tower.
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs), first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and pull stations
On the 1st floor, AED/first aid kits are available in the break room. On the 2nd through 7th floors, they are available in the hallways near the restrooms. Fire extinguishers and pull stations are located on each floor. 102 Tower floor maps are in Box with safety devices noted.
Emergency evacuation guide
In the event that 102 Tower needs to be evacuated, please follow the basic instructions below.
A printable version is available in Box (authentication is required).
A more detailed plan is in the works, including names of evacuation helpers, etc.
- Please remain as calm as possible
- Walk immediately (do not run) to the nearest stairwell
- Do not use elevators
- Bring your bag/purse and jacket (you may not be able to return to the building)
- Do not attempt to remove any office equipment
Down — Go down the stairs
Out — Get out of the building
Away — Move away from the building
Emergency assembly point (EAP)
The sidewalk across South 200 East just west of Boyer Co.’s 101 Tower [101 S. 200 East] is the EAP.
As you cross the street to assemble at the EAP, please do so in a calm, orderly, and safe manner. Follow Salt Lake City safety and pedestrian laws.
At the EAP, managers will need to account for their staff who are on site on that day, and report that each person is accounted for.
Employees who need to leave the EAP during the evacuation must notify their manager before leaving.
Employees must not re-enter 102 Tower for any reason until the all-clear is given by their manager, emergency coordinators, or First Responders (firefighters, police officers).
If you have any questions, please contact University of Utah Real Estate Administration