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New IT governance committee members

The Architecture and New Technology Committee (ANTC):

  • Rebwar Baesmat, IT director, College of Nursing
  • Mark Beekhuizen, IT director, Quinney College of Law
  • Derick Bingman, IT director, College of Architecture + Planning
  • David Blackburn, IT director, Eccles School of Business; voting member
  • Pieter Bowman, computer operations manager, Department of Mathematics
  • Dean Church, director of Financial Solutions, Financial and Business Services
  • Steven Dean, IT director, College of Engineering
  • Tim Ebner, registrar; voting member
  • Jeff Folsom, IT supervisor, Eccles Health Sciences Library; voting member
  • Demian Hanks, IT director, College of Social & Behavioral Science
  • Matt Harting, associate director of operations and logistics, College of Social Work
  • Matt Irsik, interim director for user support and computing services, Marriott Library
  • Sylvia Jessen, IT director, School of Medicine; voting member
  • Josna Kotturappa, HRIS manager; voting member
  • Jim Livingston, chief technology officer
  • Jim Logue, IT director, College of Education
  • Chris Roberts, computer professional, College of Fine Arts; voting member
  • Steven Seal, IT director, College of Health
  • Chris Stucker, associate director of IT, Facilities Management
  • Jon Thomas, director of Teaching & Learning Technologies
  • Wes Tolman, IT product manager, College of Pharmacy
  • Daniel Trentman, senior systems engineer, College of Mines & Earth Sciences; voting member
  • Rob White, IT director, Continuing Education & Community Engagement
  • Thomas Wolfe, IT director, College of Humanities

The Strategic Information Technology Committee (SITC):

  • Cathy Anderson, associate vice president of Budget and Planning
  • Melissa Bernstein, director, Faust Law Library
  • Mary Burbank, assistant dean and director of Urban Institute for Teacher Education
  • Holly Christmas, web developer, College of Fine Arts; voting member
  •  James Elder, web systems manager, Continuing Education & Community Engagement
  • Aaron Fogelson, associate dean of research & professor, Department of Mathematics
  • Bo Foreman, associate professor, College of Health
  • Demian Hanks, IT director, College of Social & Behavioral Science; voting member
  • James Herron, associate professor and associate dean for Student Affairs, College of Pharmacy
  • Steve Hess, chief information officer, University Information Technology
  • John Horel, professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
  • Jakob Jensen, associate dean of research, College of Humanities
  • Mike Kirby, associate director, School of Computing; voting member
  • Nancy Lombardo, associate director for IT, Eccles Health Sciences Library
  • Harish Maringanti, associate dean for IT and Digital Library Services, Marriott Library; voting member
  • Ken Nye, director of Business Services, Facilities Management; voting member
  • Andrew Olson, assistant professor, School of Dentistry
  • Mary Parker, associate vice president of Enrollment Management; voting member
  • Kevin Runolfson, assistant dean, College of Nursing
  • Ryan Smith, associate dean, College of Architecture + Planning
  • Rick Smith, HR director of Health Sciences
  • Mike Strong, chief medical information officer; voting member
  • Jess Taverna, director of undergraduate programs, Eccles School of Business; voting member
  • Jim Turnbull, chief information officer, Hospitals and Clinics
  • Jeff West, associate vice president, Financial and Business Services
  • Rob White, IT director, Continuing Education & Community Engagement
  • Amy Wildermuth, professor, Quinney College of Law & associate vice president for faculty
  • Joanne Yaffe, professor, College of Social Work
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Last Updated: 4/11/22