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UIT’s Sallay invited to White House as Make Salt Lake rep

Beth Sallay, IT systems administrator

Beth Sallay, IT systems 
administrator / Make Salt 
Lake president

One moment UIT’s Beth Sallay is elected president of Make Salt Lake, the next, she's invited to the President's house.

Sallay, an IT systems administrator, was elected to lead Make Salt Lake on August 7, 2016. The non-profit “makerspace” provides education and tools to local creators and inventors. Sallay will represent Make Salt Lake at Nation of Makers – Makerspace Organizers Meeting and Workshop on August 24, 2016 at the White House.

“I'm really excited,” Sallay said. “I hope I can learn a lot. It's a great opportunity to connect with people from other makers groups, find out what is and isn't working for them, and maybe incorporate some of those ideas into our group.”

National of Makers is a federal initiative launched in 2014 to give more students, entrepreneurs, and citizens access to creative technologies.

The August 24 event will feature remarks from Administration officials, lightning presentations, group conversations and break-out workshops.

Sallay has been a member of Make Salt Lake for two years, serving as board secretary since February, and has been involved in the local maker community since 2011. Make Salt Lake provides the community with access to a 3D printer, laser cutter, wood and metal shops, and electronic bench and software tools, among other things. The organization hosts a variety of gatherings at its downtown location: SLC Arts Hub, 663 West 100 South. A full schedule of events can be found on its Meet-Up website.

Make Salt Lake also participates in annual festivals, including the Utah Arts Festival, Craft Lake City, and Salt Lake City Maker Faire.

Michelle Ashton, UETN

Michelle Ashton, UETN / 
Make Salt Lake VP

Utah is home to several important initiatives related to the makerspace movement. The Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN), which operates out of the University of Utah, offers a makerspace course to Utah teachers through its professional development department. UETN also champions women and girls in education through its and Utah American Graduate initiatives.

Sallay, a UIT employee for 16 years, will lead Make Salt Lake with her UETN colleague Michelle Ashton, who was recently elected as vice president.

"Beth is a truly a maker in every sense of the word," Ashton said. "I am excited to work with her at the makerspace. I am thrilled that she has been invited to the White House."

Read UETN's press release about Sallay's and Ashton's achievement.

To learn more about Make Salt Lake, visit their website, follow @makeslc on Twitter, and find them on Facebook.




For more on Make Salt Lake:

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Last Updated: 4/11/22