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Kudos & Congratulations

Congratulations to Ben Kulbertis (CIS, student employee) for winning last month's prize drawing!
None of the people who submitted nominations were eligible for the drawing.

UIT staff recognized for their excellent work

Kudos to Paul Fischer, a student in research computing/CHPC, for successful deployment of the open source Spacewalk tools - "the upstream community project from which the Red Hat satelite project is derived" - for automatic system management and deployment of the varied Linux distribution stack at CHPC.

~ Tom Cheatham, Center for High Performance Computing

A big thanks to Paul Burrows for his tireless efforts again this year on the Student Computing Fee request process. Paul not only overhauled the documents behind the requests and brought the process fully online, but then he presented in two town halls and to the IT professionals meeting about the changes. He does it all with a smile on his face. Thanks, Paul!

~ Scott Sherman, Office of the CIO

Thanks so much to Roger Kowallis for his hard work in creating the UIT Online Service Portal page, as well as making some adjustments to the UIT homepage in an effort to help users better find what they need. Roger is always available whenever we have questions or need help, and we truly appreciate his effort and hard work!

~ Emily Rushton, UIT Strategic Communication

I want to sincerely thank Emily Rushton (CIO Office/StratComm), and Kiston Finney and Lana Xaochay (ISO), for their terrific work architecting and implementing the ISO website and Twitter page. Their efforts are critically important for communicating urgent and general information about information security for the U.

~ Dan Bowden, Information Security Office

Bill Lutz (OSL) and Craig Stapley (Finance) deserve major kudos for their quick and expert support with the MATLAB site license proposal needed for the recent Council of Academic Deans (CAD) meeting. Thank you Craig and Bill!

~ Cassandra Van Buren, UIT Strategic Communication

There are numerous kudos to award for a recent project involving moving the clinical UConnect wireless to use private IP space, requiring the testing of multiple systems to ensure that the transition would be as smooth as possible. The involved groups were UIT Network Core Services (Adam Hughes, Curtis Larsen, Florian Stellet, Chris Livingston), ITS Desktop support (the whole team), ITS Automation (Chad Pratt, Brian Herget), many of the Health Sciences IT managers and staff, Identity and Access Management (IAM - Danny Burtenshaw), Marriott Library (Brian McBride), Eccles Health Sciences Library, and Enterprise Architecture (Clayton Barlow).

~ Craig Bennion, Common Infrastructure Services

Want to nominate someone?

Anyone can submit an item for Kudos & Congrats. Email praise for your UIT colleagues to The people you recognize will be put into a drawing to win gift cards, event tickets, merchandise and more. Those who submit entries will also be put in a separate drawing for more prizes. (Directors and associate/assistant directors not eligible for prizes.)

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Last Updated: 4/11/22