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Interesting and relevant links

Your writers for Node 4 occasionally come across stories that we think would be interesting or relevant to our readership. We'll post those links here each issue.

Broadband use on the way down | CNN Money

Data, technology, and the great unbundling of higher education | EDUCAUSE Review

Innovating together: collaboration as a driving force to improve student success | EDUCAUSE Review

Students’ mobile learning practices in high education: a multi-year study | EDUCAUSE Review

Science explains the Millennial Brain | Entrepreneur

That "useless" liberal arts degree has become tech's hottest ticket | Forbes

World's first website went online 25 years ago | Huffpost Tech

Internet of Things (IoT) challenges/opportunities for businesses | Intellectual Property Watch

5 tech moments that raised the bar in 2015 [VIDEO] | Mashable

7 ways to answer “What do you do?” without selling yourself short | Mashable

Life hacks to avoid catching (or spreading) that nasty office cold | Mashable

This smart umbrella alerts you when you’re about to leave it behind | Mashable

Luggage that automatically stays by your side? [VIDEO]| Mashable

10 ways the Internet of Things will improve your life | T3 The Gadget Website

Benefits/drawbacks of online learning for introverts | US News and World Report

CES wearables that aren't ugly (spoiler alert: No smartwatches) [VIDEO]| The Verge

The best productivity apps | WIRED

The biggest security threats we'll face in 2016 | WIRED

Robot life preserver assists Greek refugees | WIRED

The NFL and tech in 50 years, from VR to helmet-less play | WIRED

LastPass 4.0 gives others access to your password vault in emergencies | ZDNet

Tech predictions 2016: 4 business trends to watch | ZDNet

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Last Updated: 4/11/22