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Kudos & Congratulations

Congratulations to Curtis Larsen (CIS) for winning last month's prize drawing!

UIT staff recognized for their excellent work

As part of the two-factor authentication project, we were tasked with implementing 2FA with VPN for both RSA and DUO. Adam Hughes, Ray Carsey, and Ryan Millward have worked countless hours to make this happen, including troubleshooting, testing, and documentation that enabled us to meet the deadlines and improve the experience for the end users. Working with the Network team has been rewarding and successful. Kudos to these guys for working with the IAM team to collaborate and strategize and for being so great to work with!

~ Jodi Kunz, Information Security Office

As part of the two-factor authentication roll-out, Cassandra Van Buren, Jesse Drake, and Emily Rushton worked tirelessly to support the initiative by creating, editing, and distributing communications, including revamping the 2FA website completely. Their skills and support have contributed greatly to the education of users and resolution of issues, questions, and concerns. We are lucky to have such a fantastic team to work with!

~ Jodi Kunz, Information Security Office

Kudos to the entire UTV team (John Wardle and student employees Michael Frogget, Anna Rice, and Forrest Sawyer) for successfully expanding UTV service to the University Development Office via point-to-point fiber distribution. Great job everyone, and thank you for your continuous hard work!

~ Mike Ekstrom, Common Infrastructure Services

CHPC participated in the annual Supercomputing conference – SC16. Many staff were involved. All contributed significantly; however we'd like to call out two in particular:

Jacob Evans worked on SCinet – “The Fastest Network Connecting the Fastest Computers."  SCinet provided more than 5 Tbps of internal network bandwidth, along with tens of 100 Gbps ethernet circuits to bring 3.15 Tbps of Wide Area Network bandwidth to the convention center.  Jake was one of more than 200 volunteers from industry, research and education, and government in 18 countries who collaborated to build SCinet. SCinet used more than $32 million in vendor-provided equipment and services. They also installed 56 miles of fiber optic cable and 200+ wireless access points that can support more than 10,000 simultaneous users on the conference wifi.

~ Julia Harrison, Center for High Performance Computing

Anyone can submit an item for Kudos & Congrats!

Simply email praise for your UIT colleagues to The people you recognize will be put into a drawing to win gift cards, event tickets, merchandise and more. Those who submit entries will also be put in a separate drawing for more prizes. (UITL members and associate/assistant directors not eligible for prizes.)

A special thank you to some exceptional campus organizations that, in the past, have donated tickets, merchandise, and gift cards to help recognize UIT employees: Athletics, Auxiliary Services, Dining Services, Kingsbury Hall, Pioneer Theatre Company, Red Butte Garden, UIT Leadership, and Utah Museum of Fine Art.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22