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UIT Student Employee Program unveils new website

UIT's Student Employee Program continues to grow – from 17 student employees in 2015 to over 55 in 2016 – and for good reason. UIT students gain real, hands-on experience with enterprise IT, with the goal of placing at least 90 percent of graduates into full-time positions.

In an effort to promote the program to prospective candidates and streamline the application process, UIT recently unveiled a new website.

The site features a Teams page that outlines departments embedded in the program, a FAQ page, link to the program poster (designed by – who else? – one of the creative student employees), and a web form for easy application to the program. 

Before students are hired into the program, they take part in at least two interviews: The first to gauge a candidate's interests, expectations, and personality; the second when an open position in the organization matches the candidate. Because this is a competitive program, the time between interviews vary anywhere from a day to six months.

We invite University of Utah students to check out the new website and consider applying.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22