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Kudos & Congratulations

Congratulations to Adam Howsley (Service Management) for winning last month's prize drawing!

UIT staff recognized for their excellent work

special “thank you” to Stacey Wood, Matt Munro, and Beth Sallay for all of their fantastic support and great customer service. They did a great job with helping us move out of 585 Komas and into 102 Tower, working weekends and extra hours to take care of the rest of us. The move would not have been such a fantastic success without their amazing help. Kudos for going above and beyond!

~ Trevor Long, Network and Communications Infrastructure

Kudos to:

Marv Hawkins for all his hard work on the Peoplesoft Fit Gap meetings over the last 3 months.

Lisa Kuhn for her help on the cabling rate card for facilities – finished on time and delivered to them as requested.

Tim Goodale on his help for the cabling rate card for facilities.

Cassandra Van Buren for getting the rate card published quickly and efficiently – thanks.

Gary Carter for his hard work on the Peoplesoft Fit Gap meetings over the last three months.

Russ Knight for getting the cabling rate card project completed on time for Facilities.

~ Ken Pink, Deputy CIO

Alan Navarro has been a student employee at CHPC since December 2014 and has become a valuable member of our Advanced Networking team. His most recent projects include perfSONAR policy based routing, integrating perfSONAR with the Globus toolkit, and learning about the JSDN trace application. Thank you, Alan, for your contributions!

CHPC would also like to recognize the work done by Sr. Systems Administrator Irvin Allen in deploying the Open Science Grid (OSG) over the past several months. This technology allows users from all over the globe to utilize idle cycles on our HPC clusters. This type of computing is called High Throughput Computing (HTC) as opposed to High Performance Computing (HPC). The major difference between these paradigms is the parallelism of the given workload. HTC is comprised of single process jobs, which are able to be resubmitted if they are booted off a given resource. Our UofU users of course have priority on our systems, and if a job from the OSG is running on our system and one of our users submits a job needing that resource, the OSG job is booted off the system and re-routed to run elsewhere. Irvin is also widely recognized by our user community as an expert on desktop operating systems and someone who will go the extra mile to make sure their computing needs are being met. Thanks for all you do Irvin!

~ Julia Harrison, Center for High Performance Computing

Anyone can submit an item for Kudos & Congrats! 

Simply email praise for your UIT colleagues to The people you recognize will be put into a drawing to win gift cards, event tickets, merchandise and more. Those who submit entries will also be put in a separate drawing for more prizes. (UITL members and associate/assistant directors not eligible for prizes.)

A special thank you to some exceptional campus organizations that, in the past, have donated tickets, merchandise, and gift cards to help recognize UIT employees: Athletics, Auxiliary Services, Dining Services, Kingsbury Hall, Pioneer Theatre Company, Red Butte Garden, UIT Leadership, and Utah Museum of Fine Art. 
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Last Updated: 4/11/22