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CHPC receives NSF grant totaling close to $1.5M

Tom Cheatham,
CHPC director

The National Science Foundation recently awarded the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) -- the research computing arm of UIT -- a 3-year, $1,497,820 CyberTeam grant in collaboration with the University of Colorado at Boulder (CUB) and Colorado State University (CSU).

The proposal, entitled "CC* Cyber Team: Creating a Community of Regional Data and Workflow Cyberinfrastructure Facilitators" with PI Thomas Hauser (CUB) and co-PIs Howard Siegel (CSU), Patrick Burns (CSU), James Williams (CSU), and Thomas Cheatham (Utah), starts in April 2017. The three universities plan to collaborate together and use the shared funds to build out people resources, or "facilitators," with expertise in big data analytics and computational/simulation workflows.

This fills a needed gap in CHPC's facilitation of user services at the University of Utah. We hope to hire a full-time data facilitator with expertise in big data analytics, restricted data, machine learning, and/or genomics to handle the increased demands, growth, and interest in the protected environment at CHPC.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22