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Kudos & Congratulations

Congratulations to Stacey Wood (Network and Communications Infrastructure) for winning the February 2017 prize drawing!

UIT staff recognized for their excellent work

I’d like to give a big thank you to Amber Angell, Amy Talbot, and Monty Kaufusi for generously offering their time to be greeters during the 102 Tower Open House on February 28. It was a huge help to have their friendly faces greeting visitors as they arrived and directing them to various parts of the building. Thank you all so much for your willingness to help out that day - we really appreciate it!

I'd also like to give a big thank you to Stacey Wood for being so helpful and responsive when I needed assistance printing several large items on the plotter. It was a huge help to me, and I really appreciate it!

~ Emily Rushton, UIT Strategic Communication

CHPC would like to recognize Steve Harper (aka “Sharpie”) who has worked at CHPC since 2005 (and at the University since 1995!). You may know him as a member of the IT Professionals Board. His expertise in Identity and Access Management keeps our user authentication system humming and he is also on our Virtualization Team. He is also responsible for many of our core infrastructure systems. Most recently, he upgraded many Virtual Machines to CentOS7, which we run for both our core services and for some of our customers. Thanks Sharpie for being a valuable member of our team.

We would also like to give kudos to Caden Bullock, a part-time Technical Assistant who recently improved our internal reporting of failed ssh attempts. Caden also helps with “Node wrangling,” which is our term for the ongoing maintenance of hardware in our HPC clusters.

~ Julia Harrison, Center for High Performance Computing

Thanks to Adam Stewart, Brett Puzey and Trevor Long for pulling together some information about all the upgrades their teams have made to student areas. I appreciate Cody Exon going above and beyond to help a VIP with a particularly stubborn technical issue. Thanks to Bill Lutz for being the middle man on a bunch of questions about a contract for the USHE CIOs. And as always, Paul Burrows has done an amazing job pulling together all the learning spaces request data into something the Teaching & Learning Portfolio can easily use as it makes its funding decisions.

~ Scott Sherman, Office of the CIO

Thanks to Dominic Mathison and Danial Ebling for helping to troubleshoot and solve a technical support issue the Strategic Communication group experienced last month. They were friendly, did a great job of communicating progress, and resolved the problem quickly.

The 102 Tower Open House event on February 28 was a big success! Employees and their families, colleagues, and friends all enjoyed the event. Thanks to Emily Rushton, Alijana Kahriman, Debbie Day, Marcie Nielsen, Loa Kauvaka, Rachel Romano, Jose Rivera, Tom Jennings, and Jesse Drake for their hard work in planning and hosting the event.

With the start of UIT's new UIT Talks town hall program, we've needed technical support in setting up and running the events. Caprice Post and Dave Packham have been right there by our side, making sure each event goes as smoothly as possible. Thank you Caprice and Dave!

I truly appreciate the accounting support that Matt Timpson and Craig Stapley provide to the Strategic Communication group. They are a pleasure to work with thanks to their professionalism, attention to detail, and friendly demeanor.

~ Cassandra Van Buren, UIT Strategic Communication

Anyone can submit an item for Kudos & Congrats! 

Simply email praise for your UIT colleagues to The people you recognize will be put into a drawing to win gift cards, event tickets, merchandise and more. Those who submit entries will also be put in a separate drawing for more prizes. (UITL members and associate/assistant directors not eligible for prizes.)

A special thank you to some exceptional campus organizations that, in the past, have donated tickets, merchandise, and gift cards to help recognize UIT employees: Athletics, Auxiliary Services, Dining Services, Kingsbury Hall, Pioneer Theatre Company, Red Butte Garden, UIT Leadership, and Utah Museum of Fine Art.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22