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October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

For the fourth year in a row, UIT will be participating in National Cyber Security Awareness Month, a nationwide effort sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security to provide education about cyber threats and offer tips and best practices concerning how to stay safe online.

"We're all aware of our daily interactions and dependencies using the internet, and the National Cyber Security Awareness Month gives us a great opportunity to focus awareness and learning to the many known and unknown vulnerabilities associated with our online activities," said Randy Arvay, Chief Information Security Officer.

"By having a better understanding of cybersecurity threats and some steps that can be taken to protect one's self and the University of Utah, we can enable a more secure environment at work and at home," he added.

The reality is that the internet is a huge part of life – both at work and at home – and no one is immune to cyber crime. Constantly being connected means, by default, increased risks to your privacy and security every single day. Because of this, it’s everyone’s responsibility to learn how to behave safely and responsibly online.

"Staying cyber aware is not about being the smartest in a technology, but it's about using technology smartly and always keeping in mind that there are others who don't have our best interests at heart," said Arvay.

This year, UIT is loosely following the format of the campaign (with a few adjustments). The topics to be covered each week include: 

Week 1 (October 2-6): Simple Steps to Online Safety

Week 2 (October 9-13): Cybersecurity in the Workplace is Everyone's Business

Week 3 (October 16-20): Today's Predictions for Tomorrow's Internet

Week 4 (October 23-27): Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Threats

UIT invites you to visit our NCSAM website each week as we learn together about ways to stay informed, as well as best practices for how to stay safe online.

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Last Updated: 4/8/24