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NCSAM: It's our shared responsibility to stay safe online

NCSAM: It's our shared responsibility to stay safe online

For the fifth year, UIT is participating in National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), a nationwide initiative to ensure people have the needed resources to stay safe and secure online.

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IT governance roundup

IT Governance roundup

The Strategic Information Technology Committee met on September 18. The Enterprise Web Advisory Council met on September 13, the Architecture and New Technology Committee met on August 27, and the Teaching and Learning Portfolio will next meet on September 26.

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Photos: UIT-ITS Golf Tournament 2018

Photos: UIT-ITS Golf Tournament 2018

About 70 UIT and ITS employees hit the links on September 20 for nine holes of scramble-style golf, as well as dinner and prizes, at Forest Dale Golf Course in idyllic conditions.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22