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Dr. Martin Cuma from CHPC is featured in Humans of the U

Martin Cuma, Ph.D., a computational scientist in UIT's Center for High Performance Computing and avid cyclist, is pictured with his daughter. Cuma was recently featured in Humans of the U. Image courtesy of the University of Utah.
Martin Cuma, Ph.D., computational scientist in UIT's Center for High Performance Computing and avid cyclist, is pictured with his daughter. Cuma was recently featured in Humans of the U. Image courtesy of the University of Utah.

Dr. Martin Cuma, computational scientist in UIT's Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC), was featured in the February 8, 2019 Humans of the U. The piece was later reposted by the Office of Sustainability.

In the article, which is part of a This Week @theU series, Cuma discusses the benefits of commuting to the university by bicycle. One perk is that he can conveniently drop his daughter off at the Child and Family Development Center on Presidents Circle on his way to work at the Intermountain Network and Scientific Computation Center on the U of U campus.


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Last Updated: 4/11/22