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Dr. Randy Arvay named CISO

Dr. Randy Arvay named CISO

The University of Utah has hired Randall (Randy) J. Arvay, chief information security officer (CISO) at The University of Mississippi Medical Center, as the school’s new CISO, effective May 22, 2017.

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CHPC receives NIH award for its protected environment

CHPC receives NIH award for its protected environment

The Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) recently received a notice of award from the National Institutes of Health for CHPC's S10 major equipment proposal.

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Photos: Amber Angell farewell reception

Photos: Amber Angell farewell reception

On March 30, UIT colleagues joined together to wish Amber Angell, executive assistant for Network & Communications Infrastructure (NCI), a fond farewell.

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New web forms speed UBenefits' paperless evolution

New web forms speed UBenefits' paperless evolution

UIT's HR web development team in University Support Services (USS) and the U's Division of Human Resources continue to roll out PeopleSoft-driven enhancements to the UBenefits web application, automating the U employee benefits enrollment/change process while phasing out paper forms.

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Photos: UberPuppies pays a visit to USS

Photos: UberPuppies pays a visit to USS

On March 23, University Support Services (USS) employees were treated to a special visit by not one, but two adorable puppies - along with Utah Jazz player Trey Lyles.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22