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Kudos & Congratulations

Congratulations to Chase Nelson and Tyler Sauer (Network and Communications Infrastructure) for winning the June 2017 prize drawing!

UIT staff recognized for their excellent work

CHPC would like to recognize the contribution of Wayne Bradford. CHPC relies on Wayne’s expertise and leadership in the areas of Security and High Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters. In particular, CHPC would like to give kudos to Wayne for his most recent work organizing the procurements for the refresh of the Protected Environment (PE), funded by a grant from the NIH. Wayne’s leadership has made the purchase of a complex environment proceed in an organized fashion. As a result, the bulk of the equipment orders have been submitted, and much has already been received. Deployment is proceeding and we are well on our way to having the environment in production well ahead of the timeframe specified in the grant. Thanks so much for all you do, Wayne!

Another CHPC staff member and UofU student we would like to acknowledge is Rajeev Sahay. Rajeev reports to Wayne Bradford and does much to assist in both the PE and HPC arenas. One of Rajeev’s recent tasks was writing a “Node wrangling cook book,” a how-to for other students and staff to assist with the daunting task of tracking node failures and dealing with node issues appropriately. Rajeev has worked for CHPC for over a year and we really appreciate his work. Kudos Rajeev!

~ Julia Harrison, Center for High Performance Computing

Huge thanks to Matt Munro for re-building my desktop machine. Your patience, kindness, and ability to problem-solve is greatly appreciated! Thanks for all you do!

~ Emily Rushton, UIT Strategic Communication

I'm continually impressed by the monitoring staff. In particular, Kevin Cai stepped up during a recent incident and assisted every step of the way, identifying scope, degree of impact, and articulating what the end user experience was at any given time. He was one of the first to be on the incident response team (IRT) calls, running operational duties while still maintaining internal system integrity, and his knowledge of the Orion monitoring system was on display throughout the IRT process. He stuck alongside the middle-tier team until root cause was discovered and we could validate services were restored.
Monty Kaufusi was also on hand, assisting technical staff to look into logs, find anomalous errors, and research any discoveries while maintaining communication between both internal and external team members. He maintained a calm composure and helped any time he was asked.
During the same incident, the logging team received an urgent request from the Information Security Office (ISO). Dragisha Ignjatovic focused his efforts, ensuring all of ISO’s needs were met. He cross-searched UMail access logs, delivered reports, and executed specialized queries to find a needle in a haystack. His technical expertise and ability to navigate the system directly contributed to ensuring ISO received the information needed in a timely manner.
These three showed what a highly functioning monitoring team can do during a stressful time. I'm truly humbled to be working with such a stellar crew.

~ Elliot Fenech, Service Management

Kudos to Mark Curtz - Mark works on the Portal and On-Base document management system, and has been above and beyond the call of duty. 

Kudos to Clay Postma and Gary Carter, as well as the HR web team - they are currently four weeks ahead of schedule for the delivery of uBenefits phase II. 

~ Ken Pink, Deputy CIO

Anyone can submit an item for Kudos & Congrats! 

Submit your kudos and the people you recognize will be put into a drawing to win gift cards, event tickets, merchandise and more. Those who submit entries will also be put in a separate drawing for more prizes. (UITL members and associate/assistant directors not eligible for prizes.)

Submit kudos

A special thank you to some exceptional campus organizations that, in the past, have donated tickets, merchandise, and gift cards to help recognize UIT employees: Athletics, Auxiliary Services, Dining Services, Kingsbury Hall, Pioneer Theatre Company, Red Butte Garden, UIT Leadership, and Utah Museum of Fine Art.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22