The U hosts inaugural POWDER-RENEW Mobile and Wireless Week
Sixteen months have passed since researchers at the University of Utah were selected to create and operate a “living laboratory” for mobile and wireless technologies at the U and in Salt Lake City. The Platform for Open Wireless Data-driven Experimental Research (POWDER) is one of the first research testbeds for companies and universities in the United States.
On April 2, 2019, the U's POWDER team completed phase one — the very first Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) network testbed. To get an up-close look at the innovation, industrial researchers and 44 graduate students from more than 20 universities converged on campus during the inaugural POWDER-RENEW Mobile and Wireless Week (MWW2019) from September 9-13, 2019.
The event featured a variety of lectures and hands-on learning sessions, including:
- End-to-end mobile networking
- Radio access network (RAN) softwarization
- Spectrum monitoring
- Radio frequency exploration using USRP Hardware Drivers (UHD) and GNU Radio open-source software
- Wireless communications basics
- Antenna design
- Wireless communications research
Attendees teamed up to execute a series of "mini projects" and took a field trip to view the POWDER deployment. This was the first time that non-POWDER-RENEW team members used the platform's over-the-air capabilities, including rooftop base stations, fixed endpoints, and massive multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) equipment.
Read more about the POWDER-RENEW project at
MWW2019 highlights
Select an image below to enlarge (photos courtesy of Dr. Kobus Van der Merwe). More photos are available on on this web page.
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