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Kudos & Congratulations

UIT staff recognized for their excellent work

Congratulations to Vijay Kammili (Communications Infrastructure) and Chris Moore (CTO organization) for winning the last prize drawing!

I'd like to recognize Doug Johnson for taking the initiative to solve an urgent issue using conference room phones at Care Navigation. Due to a recent IT change, all our conference room phones were logged out, however, we were unaware until we needed to use them for a conference call. I reached out to Doug and he came right over and had the issue resolved very quickly. I appreciated his support!

~ Desirae Allen, Communications Infrastructure

The year 2020 is coming to a close and when one ponders the challenging circumstances that disrupted all of our lives, I realized that each workday was rather stimulating and pleasant. I also realized that especially in challenging times the people around me have a significant impact on the perception of the state of the world. Each day I am surrounded by staff who work hard, strive to help UIT make a positive impact, make me laugh, make me think, listen to each other, and frankly are just good people. So thank you, Andrew Reich, Bryce Fox, Caprice Post, Clayton Norlen, and Clint Criddle for your continued contribution to UIT, the university, and the team — you help make UIT a respected and great place to work.

~ Dave Huth, Product Management/Enterprise Architecture (CTO)

Image 37 for PeopleSoft Financials had a number of delivered errors and procedure changes from Oracle (as identified by many universities, not just us). Ray Lacanienta worked with both an Oracle technical person and the end user on our side to identify a fix from Oracle, install it, and test the fixes before we put the upgrade into production.

~ Val Olds, University Support Services   

I'm sending a year's worth of thank-yous and kudos to my team members Jesse Drake and Larrisa Beth Turner, who gracefully and intelligently adjusted goals, strategies, projects, and processes to best support UIT, ITS, and the broader university community. Together we faced the pandemic, earthquake, and other atypical circumstances this year. Their professionalism and dedication to the organization and our team have been especially stellar in 2020.

~ Cassandra Van Buren, Strategic Communication

I would like to give major Kudos to CJ McMillan.

After about three months of work on the latest PeopleSoft Finance upgrade, we ended up going live on November 20, 2020. The night before, CJ was informed that his mother passed away unexpectedly earlier that evening.

That said, CJ drove into the office at 3:30 a.m. on November 20 for four plus hours of installation during this upgrade despite not sleeping at all that night. I finally had to kick him out of the office and threatened to call security to drag him out of the building to go take care of family stuff.

~ Val Olds, University Support Services   

As the year comes to a close, I would like to take a moment to recognize the hard work of everyone that supported our team this year. COVID required everyone to step up to the plate and deliver their absolute best work. Thank you for all your hard work, extra hours and pushing yourselves to the absolute limit! It's a pleasure working with each one of you and your teams.

  • Andrew Reich
  • Beth Sallay
  • Brad Zumbrunnen
  • Brent Ridgeway
  • Caprice Post
  • Corey Hayes
  • Corey Winn
  • Cory Hale
  • Corky Richardson
  • Clayton Norlen
  • Dave Packham
  • Dave Rasmussen
  • Dan Jenkins
  • Desirae Allen
  • David Griffin
  • Doug Johnson
  • Eric Martinez
  • Fernando Ferrer Anato
  • Heather Winters
  • Jake Johansen
  • James Rice
  • Jason Lawes
  • Jeromy Teeples
  • Julia A. Harrison
  • Ken Kizer
  • Kevin Buchan
  • Kurt Groesbeck
  • Lance Davis
  • Matt Juber
  • Matt Munro
  • Michael Adair
  • Mike Ekstrom
  • Samantha Lankford
  • Syndi Haywood
  • Tony Jess

~ Vijay Kammili, Communications Infrastructure

I would like to thank Brad Zumbrunnen with NOC for taking care of an issue needing correction on the day after Thanksgiving. Brad, thank you for working on what most consider a day off.

~ Jonzy Jones, Information Security Office​ 

Vijay Kammili is an excellent coworker and always willing to help. He is quick to process tickets, and I appreciate his expertise.

~ Helga Rivetti, Care Navigation/Workforce Management


Anyone at the U can submit an item for Kudos & Congrats!

Anyone at the U can submit an item for Kudos & Congrats! 

Submit your kudos and the UIT employees you commend will be entered into a monthly prize drawing. UIT employees who submit entries will also be entered in a separate prize drawing. 

UITL members and associate directors are not eligible for prizes.

Submit a Kudos

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Last Updated: 2/16/24