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Explainer: Network Security Rule (4-004I)

Pink and blue ethernet cables plugged into the back of a network switch.

When correctly implemented, the technical requirements for network security outlined by Rule 4-004I can prevent an interruption of network service or a compromise of the university’s IT security.

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IT security tip: Think before you click

A screenshot of the Phish Tank homepage, which shows an anglerfish getting ready to swallow a University of Utah ID card.

Take a couple of extra seconds to evaluate every email — especially those with a link or an attachment — for red flags, including unfamiliar greetings and requests for sensitive information.

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Software purchase form doesn't pertain to OSL, PCards

Blue-tinted image of a keyboard key with a shopping cart on it.

A recent Node 4 article about a requirement to use a software purchase request form for all new and renewal software, web-based applications, and mobile application acquisitions — regardless of cost — pertained to UShop.

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Last Updated: 1/3/24