IT governance roundup
Strategic Information Technology Committee (SITC)
January 16 • Agenda
- Cory Stokes, UOnline Director and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, updated the committee on the increasing need to make software more easily available to students (both on- and off-campus), and facilitated a discussion on whether or not to expand a software application the Marriott Library has been utilizing to meet this need for a small set of students. After discussion, it was recommended that Stokes bring this topic back to the next ANTC meeting for further discussion.
- Jon Thomas, director for Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT), presented a set of new rules and processes for using Canvas plug-in tools, and the committee approved this (with the addition of including protected data in the vendor contract(s) where appropriate).
- Randy Arvay, Chief Information Security Officer, reviewed the findings of two 2017 internal security audits for the University.
- Arvay gave an overview of the U's Information Security Office and its role within the University. The committee then recommended that in the future, targeted discussions should take place with the Senate Advisory Committee regarding specific security topics.
Architecture and New Technology Committee (ANTC)
January 22 • Agenda
- Steve Hess, Chief Information Officer, placed a formal request for volunteers to join a campus-wide IT training task force/subcommittee, and several in the room volunteered.
- Cory Stokes, UOnline director and associate dean for Undergraduate Studies, presented
on the increasing need to make software more easily available to students (both on-
and off-campus), and asked the committee for guidance. A lively discussion followed,
and ultimately, it was recommended that the original Software Anywhere subcommittee
reconvene (with the addition of a few volunteers from ANTC) to discuss this issue,
identify requirements, and come back to ANTC with a recommendation in March. Ken Pink,
Deputy CIO, was asked to chair the group.
- Trevor Long, associate director for UIT Network & Core, presented a proposal to disable old DNS IP addresses by July 31, 2018 in favor of the Anycast technology that's already being used on campus. A lively discussion followed, and the committee eventually voted to approve the proposal.
- Long presented another proposal to move the general UConnect over to private IP space, due to the dwindling amount of public IP space on campus. The committee discussed this and ultimately recommended taking the proposal to the Network Architecture Community of Practice for further discussion and recommendations to bring back to the next ANTC meeting.
- Chris Benson, Facilities Management, presented on the campus-wide utility metering project.
- Dave Huth, director for Product Management (CTO), briefly presented on the forthcoming Microsoft active directory standards report.
- Randy Arvay, Chief Information Security Officer, presented on a proposal to change the U's current firewall security model. After a lengthy discussion, the committee voted to approve taking this proposal to the Network Architecture Community of Practice as a working group effort in order to bring a recommendation back to ANTC in March.
Enterprise Web Advisory Council (EWAC)
- The next EWAC meeting will be held on Friday, January 26, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., in the Eccles Broadcast Center, Dumke Room.
Teaching and Learning Portfolio
- The next portfolio meeting will be held on Monday, January 29, 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
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