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IT security policies are critical to the U's mission

IT policies are critical to the U's mission

If you’re the average University of Utah faculty or staff member, it’s possible you’ve never read the U’s information technology and IT security policies. Whether you have or have not, we all must follow them — and for good reason, too.

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Brian Harris puts 'internet smarts' in DIY art

Brian Harris and his son during a torchlight parade at Alta ski area

UIT's Brian Harris has fostered a true passion for making technology-infused art. Some resemble a geeky, grown-up version of Lite Brite, like a University of Utah block U with LED lights that chase around the edges.

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Turn to website and Twitter for POWDER news

Photo illustration of a network superimposed over on an image of Salt Lake City

Keep track of all the breakthroughs coming out of the POWDER wireless testbed by visiting and @powder_wireless on Twitter.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22