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Signs of the times: Digital messaging at the U

Illustration shows the technical specifications for a pedestrian digital sign

A new generation of digital signs at the university includes vehicular signs in high-traffic areas and at campus gateways, pedestrian signs that line popular paths, wall-mounted pedestrian signs, and indoor displays in U buildings.

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File sharing and copyright violation notice

It is a violation of federal law and university policy to share and/or distribute copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright holder.

It is a violation of federal law and university policy to share and/or distribute copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright holder.

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IT governance roundup

IT governance

The Strategic Information Technology Committee (SITC) met on January 11, the Architecture and New Technology Committee (ANTC) met on January 24, and the Teaching and Learning Portfolio (TLP) met on January 19. The Enterprise Web Advisory Council (EWAC) did not meet in January.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22