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Namecoach is now available in Outlook and Teams

Namecoach functionality in the Microsoft Outlook desktop client for Mac.

Namecoach functionality in the Microsoft Outlook desktop client for Mac.


Complete instructions on how to use Namecoach in Canvas, Outlook, and Teams are available in this IT Knowledge Base article.

Namecoach, a name pronunciation tool previously integrated into Canvas, is now available to University of Utah community members as add-on application for Microsoft Teams and Outlook, including Outlook Web Access (OWA), for Mac and Windows operating systems.

Namecoach for Outlook

With the Namecoach add-in, Outlook users can access the pronunciation of an email sender's name right in their inbox. Reference this IT Knowledge Base article for instructions on how to install Namecoach on your desktop (Mac/Windows) and OWA Outlook clients. Once installed, a new Get pronunciations button will appear in your Outlook toolbar when your window is fully expanded.

Note: For optimal results, Outlook and Teams should be running on the most current version. Your local IT support staff may be needed to install system updates on U-managed devices. For additional help installing Outlook add-ins, please refer to this vendor support site.

Namecoach for Microsoft Teams

In the bottom left-hand navigation of Microsoft Teams, select the Apps button. Search for Namecoach or locate it under the section Built for your org. This vendor website has instructions on how to launch the Namecoach add-in on your desktop and OWA Outlook clients.

Note: To record your name in Teams, an additional step is required to enable the microphone on your device. Please access this video for details.

In development

  • The option to add a personal pronoun is now available in Canvas, however, Namecoach’s development team has not yet made this option available in the U’s Outlook or Teams apps, according to Jan Lovett, an IT product manager for University Support Services.
  • When the Namecoach window is open in Outlook, users may choose to pin Namecoach. In pilot testing by U users, however, some people received an error message, even when the Outlook client is up to date. Lovett recommends not pinning Namecoach in Outlook until this issue can be resolved.
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Last Updated: 8/30/23