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IT governance roundup

Enterprise Web Advisory Council (EWAC)

January 10, 2019 • Agenda and Summary

  • At the September 2018 EWAC meeting, Barb Iannucci, associate director for Content Management & Usability in UIT; Nate Tanner, director of marketing and sales for Interactive Marketing & Web; and Scott Troxel, director of digital strategy for University Marketing & Communications were asked to draft an executive summary identifying specific problems with the university’s decentralized web services and recommend solutions. Tanner gave an update on his organization’s RFP for replacing U Health’s content management system (CMS), which will potentially be extended to the campus in the future. Deputy CIO Ken Pink and Troxel, whose teams are working on different drafts of an executive summary, agreed that selecting a common CMS tool should take place before changing team structures or creating a community of practice.
    • Decision: Council members voted to further develop the executive summary with cost estimates and justifications that align with the university’s mission, with the goal of presenting it to central administration for funding consideration before this year’s budget cycle expires.
    • Action: Tanner will report back at the next EWAC meeting with general cost estimates associated with a new CMS.
  • Pat Hanna, professor of Philosophy and Linguistics, gave a brief update on World Wide Web Policy 4-003, which is in the process of being rewritten. EWAC approved a subcommittee to move forward with the policy revision in September 2017, and has been reviewing and providing feedback since. The latest draft has been approved by EWAC and has been reviewed by the Institutional Policy Committee and Office of General Counsel, in addition to being endorsed by the Strategic Information Technology Committee. Hanna said she will approach the Academic Senate’s Executive Committee to have the policy update put on its intent calendar.
  • Iannucci noted that Mary Lou Mobley, national disability expert for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, would be presenting on digital accessibility at a UIT Employee Brown Bag Luncheon event on January 17, 2019.

  • Pink informed the group that the Marriott Library had requested formal representation on the council. Pink asked if anyone had objections to this (there were none). The group agreed to invite a representative from the Marriott Library to join the council.

  • The next EWAC meeting will be on Thursday, March 14, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Dumke Room, Eccles Broadcast Center.

Strategic Information Technology Committee (SITC)

January 15, 2019 • Agenda and Summary

  • Stuart Moffatt, associate director for Emergency Management Services in the Department of Public Safety, presented a proposal to expand the capability of Campus Alert, the university's mass notification system, to include notifications to desktops in student, staff, and faculty spaces on lower campus. The proposal was presented to and approved by the Architecture and New Technology Committee (ANTC) at its November 2018 meeting. A pilot program with a small number of campus groups/departments and IT professionals to deploy and expand the additional method is underway, leveraging an existing Alertus Technologies license managed by U Health. 
    • Decision: The committee voted to approve the proof of concept.
    • Action: Moffatt will report back on pilot program efforts.
  • Cory Stokes, associate dean of Undergraduate Studies and Digital Learning Officer, gave an update on the Integrated Student Team (IST), which he co-chairs. IST provides recommendations to SITC and Academic Senate’s Executive Committee. This was an information-only item.
  • Trevor Long, associate director for Governance, Risk & Compliance in UIT’s Information Security Office, updated the committee on upcoming rule changes to University Policy 4-004 around data classification and encryption to align with the Utah System of Higher Education’s IT Resource Security Policy R345.
  • Corey Roach, manager for ISO Enterprise Security, presented an update on deprovisioning email accounts at the university. 
    • Decision: The committee voted to have ISO add a procedure to scramble a user’s password so they cannot gain access to university systems in the event of an urgent termination.
    • Action: Chris Stucker, director of Identity & Access Management (IAM), was authorized to form and lead a working group to look at specific use cases and solutions surrounding account terminations. 
  • Roach proposed eliminating anonymous access of wireless networks at the university and revising the access method for UGuest to establish a means of identifying network connections. 
    • Decision: The committee approved a motion to take the proposal to the Office of General Counsel (OGC), University Cabinet, and Network Architecture Community of Practice.
    • Action: Roach will report back on his findings.
  • CISO Randy Arvay gave a report on recent activity by the U’s risk subcommittee (approved by SITC in May 2018), specifically in regards to web-hosted DNS integration. Arvay also updated the committee on an IAM project to archive inactive Active Directory-based accounts. These were information-only items.
  • Arvay updated the committee on an IAM project related to recent changes to the Duo authentication screen. Users may now receive a one-time use bypass code to self-register a new device after answering a series of identifying questions. This was an information-only item.
  • SITC Chair Cynthia Furse proposed a change to the frequency of SITC meetings. Currently, SITC meetings are held on a monthly basis. Dr. Furse proposed changing the meeting to bimonthly (every other month), keeping in mind that meetings will generally be canceled during the months of July and December.
    • Decision: The committee voted to approve the new meeting schedule.
  • Committee members welcomed SITC's newest member, Wendy Peterson, deputy chief Human Resources officer. 
  • The next SITC meeting will be on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. in the Winder Boardroom, Park Building.

Teaching and Learning Portfolio (TLP) 

January 17, 2019 • Agenda and Summary

  • TLT Director Jon Thomas gave an update on a request from the Crocker Science Center for additional funds.
    • Decision: Portfolio members voted to ask the requestors to resubmit the proposal for next year’s Learning Spaces – Student Computing Fees (LS-SCF) award consideration.
  • Paul Burrows, TLT information architect, updated portfolio members on an initiative related to computing lab usage data. This was an information-only item. 
  • Burrows also gave an update on the current LS-SCF award cycle. Key upcoming dates include applicant interview from January 28 – February 7, and award deliberations from February 26 – 28.
    • Decision: The portfolio voted to move any remaining funds to the following year’s allotment of funds.
  • Following up on a presentation at the November 2018 TLP meeting, Instructional Designer Dan Gowen and Erik Hjorten, associate director of UOnline and lead instructional designer for Continuing Education, provided an overview of the four phases of instructional design: design, build, teach, and revise. An example of course-building tools is available in Box (authentication required). This was an information-only item.
  • Senior Instructional Designer Dr. Qin Li walked portfolio members through the latest iteration (version four) of an instructional design card game, a formative and summative assessment tool developed to give faculty members a fun and engaging guide to the course design process. This was an information-only item.
  • Due to time constraints, discussions on pedagogical technological development and future TLP topics were postponed.
  • The next TLP meeting will be on Tuesday, March 21, 2019 from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. in Room 5201, Marriott Library.

Architecture and New Technology Committee (ANTC)

  • The next ANTC meeting will be on Monday, February 25, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Dumke Room, Eccles Broadcast Center.
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Last Updated: 4/11/22