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IT Leadership Spotlight: Clint Criddle, manager, IT Enterprise Architecture

Clint Criddle and his wife, Michelle (Courtesy of Clint Criddle)

Clint Criddle and his wife, Michelle (Courtesy of Clint Criddle)

Where are you from originally?

I grew up in Syracuse, Utah, and Mesa, Arizona. (Child of “snowbird” parents who wintered in Arizona and spent the spring-fall in Utah.)

What led you to the University of Utah?

I had spent some time with (former ITS employee) Mark Johns, via a mutual friend, and he called me one day asking if I wanted a job. I was on the cleaning crew at a cement plant at the time. IT work sounded great compared to running a jack hammer, shovel, and broom.

Can you describe the path you took to IT leadership?

I started taking calls on the ITS Help Desk back in 1999. Soon after, I was promoted to a desktop technician position. Later, I managed the ITS Desktop team. Through various organizational changes, I managed the Desktop, Help Desk, Service Automation, and/or other ITS teams for several years before I was offered the position of architect. Recently, I accepted the role of manager for the IT Enterprise Architecture team, under Chief Information Officer Jim Livingston.

How would you describe your leadership style and/or philosophy?

I feel like my most successful teams have been the groups of people who respect their jobs and each other. They hold each other accountable and expect great things from each other. Aside from job skills, I have always tried to find the best fit for the team when choosing a new hire candidate. I believe that I was able to do that the vast majority of the time. 

What do you enjoy most about your role at the U?

I enjoy working with the many people I’ve met over the years. I’ve made some great friends here who have helped me develop and grow into the person I am. Specific to IT architecture, I’m constantly learning new things and I love it!

What are some of your hobbies?

I like to hunt, fish, and spend time outdoors, generally. I love my garden and will take a “weed pulling break” when I need a rest from looking at monitors all day. I build custom fly rods in my spare time — a skill I learned from a friend I met at the U a long time ago. Spending time with the family is top on the list, though. I have five grandkids with No. 6 arriving in March, and my wife and I love it when we get to spend time with them.

Is there a fun fact about yourself that you’d like to share?

I joined a skydiving club in my freshman year of college. My dad’s response to me telling him was, “I won’t tell your mother.” My mother’s response was, “Don’t tell me when you’re going, just call me after ...”

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Last Updated: 1/29/25