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Using remote access, and the U's new VPN, responsibly

Remote access

Rule 4-004H: Remote Access outlines the requirements and responsibilities that U students, faculty, staff, and affiliates should follow to properly protect the university’s IT resources when connecting off-site to the U’s network for school or work purposes.

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VPN users must use GlobalProtect by the end of 2021

Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN logo

By next year, all VPN users are expected to switch to GlobalProtect, which will become the central VPN service for all University of Utah and University of Utah Health staff, faculty, students, and affiliates.

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UGuest wireless network to require access code

Person looks down at their smartphone in this decorative image.

An SMS (text message)-capable phone and access code will soon be required to connect to UGuest, which provides visitors to the University of Utah and University of Utah Health with basic, unencrypted wireless internet access.

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Life-cycle refreshes are critical to connectivity

Network equipment

Though new wireless access points get a lot of attention, approximately 57 percent of network projects tracked in the 2021 calendar year are actually hardware and software life-cycle upgrades.

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Outdoor Wi-Fi access on campus expanded

A University of Utah student uses his smartphone outside

The CARES Act opened new possibilities for connectivity outside at the U — funding 118 new Wi-Fi access points in outdoor spaces and bringing the U's total number of APs from 8,910 to 12,263.

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Top IT resources for U students, faculty, and staff

IT resources available to U students include laptops from Marriott Library.

Whether you are a new or returning student, faculty member, or staff member, these five IT resources/services will prepare you for the year ahead and set you up for success.

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Network Services team expands its ACI tool set

Network illustration

UIT has spent the past few years adopting new Cisco technologies as it converts the university's data centers to application-centric infrastructure (ACI) environments. ACI is an ambitious data center strategy that shifted the security focus from the “the network” to “the application.”

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'U Rising': CIO Hess on keeping Utahns digitally connected

The U Rising logo

CIO Steve Hess joined President Ruth Watkins on the most recent episode of the “U Rising” podcast to discuss the U’s role in providing a statewide network infrastructure and other digital tools, and the initiative to enhance both last year.

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Last Updated: 4/11/22