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Explainer: Information Security Policy (4-004)

An illustration of a document with text overlayed on an image of glowing blue shield with a keyhole in the middle.

Policy 4-004 outlines all the university’s IT security rules, which help protect the university, its IT systems and resources, and data. It also ensures compliance with local, national, and international laws, industry regulations, and business agreements.

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Phish Tank website aims to educate users on phishing tactics

The Phish Tank website

The U’s Information Security Office (ISO) recently launched the Phish Tank, an awareness and educational website with information on phishing tactics and common red flags. Examples of known phishing attacks are coming soon.

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Training tip: Make summer a season for skill-building

Professional development photo illustration

Summer may be the perfect time to expertly hone a professional skill in which you’re now only a novice or learn something completely new — all from the comfort of your cubicle or home office.

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IT governance roundup

IT Governance

The Strategic Information Technology Committee (SITC) met on July 12 to discuss the U's cybersecurity plan, KnowBe4 training, the Presidio risk assessment, collaboration and cloud services, Salesforce, and the OneU PeopleSoft project. No other IT governance committees met in July.

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Last Updated: 7/27/22