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Get your ITIL certification through the U

New ITIL class dates have been announced

Need an ITIL 4 Foundations certification? We've got you! Register today for an upcoming class, taught by University of Utah instructors.

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Six UIT associate directors promoted to director level

Top row, from left: Gary Carter, Tom Howa, and Abraham Kololli. Bottom row, from left: Jason Moeller, Kim Tanner, and Cassandra Van Buren.

Within the past 16 months, the following people have been promoted from associate director to director: Gary Carter, Tom Howa, Abraham Kololli, Jason Moeller, Kim Tanner, and Cassandra Van Buren. Please join the UIT Leadership Team in congratulating them.

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IT governance roundup

IT Governance

The Enterprise Web Advisory Council (EWAC) met on June 9 for website accessibility training from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. No other IT governance committees met in June.

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Last Updated: 6/29/22