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UIT staff among honorees for 25+ years of service

Dr. Michael Good, interim university president

Dr. Michael Good, interim university president

Last year, 195 employees surpassed 25 years of service to the University of Utah, 10 of whom were from the UIT organization. Their longstanding careers were celebrated on April 23, 2021 during an online Staff Service Awards ceremony.

“We are saddened, truly, to not be together, and we greatly look forward to the day we can all get back together,” said Chief Human Resources Officer Jeff Herring, who hosted the event.

Dr. Michael Good, interim university president, observed in a video message (in Box, authentication required) that the honorees collectively represent 5,730 years “of hard work, expertise, loyalty, and dedication to excellence,” adding, “you’ve stayed with us this past year, one of the toughest years we’ve faced as a university, which deserves its own note of appreciation.”

Congratulations to the following UIT employees for their milestone years of service:

25 years

  • Steve Adams
  • Cindy Devine
  • Doug Kenner
  • Jody Sluder (since retired)

30 years

  • Wayne Bradford
  • Dylan Pocock
  • David Sageser
  • Rick Titus
  • Stacey Wood

45 years

  • Steve Hess

In November 2020, the UIT organization recognized these individuals, in addition to UIT staff members who reached 10, 15, and 20 years of service. In lieu of its in-person ceremony, well-wishes were shared via Microsoft Teams.

As part of the broader recognition event, Herring presented slides (in Box, authentication required) with “blast from the past” facts about each year that award recipients started to work at the university.

In 1975, for example, when Chief Information Officer Steve Hess began his career at the U, Sony introduced the Betamax videocassette recorder. Other highlights — in 1980, Namco released PAC-MAN;  in 1985, Nintendo released a limited batch of what would become the most influential videogame platform of all time; in 1990, Tim Berners-Lee started to write the code for the world wide web (bonus fact: decades earlier, the U was the fourth node of ARPANET, precursor to today’s internet); and in 1995, NASA’s Galileo became the first spacecraft to orbit Jupiter.

“Times change. Innovations come and go. You have lived through changes big and small, not only in the wider world, but here, on our campus. What has stayed the same through all of this change? You.” Good said. “You brought your talents, your passions, your creativity, and your commitment to the university, and you’ve made this a very special place to work. Thank you.”

A tribute video to this year's recipients is available in Box (authentication required). 

University staff members who reach their milestone years in 2021 will be recognized next spring.



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Last Updated: 4/11/22